Federal Budget analysis 2021
The 2021 Federal Budget is a critical budget for our country – one which will help us achieve the momentum we require to recover from COVID. Our Tax experts outline the key impacts and opportunities for Aussie businesses, families and individuals.
On 11 May 2021, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced the second COVID Federal Budget.
Whilst last year’s budget was focussed on laying the foundations to ‘save the economy’, this budget is clearly focused on maintaining the momentum the Australian economy has established over the past year to secure its recovery.
This is one of the most important budgets released in our lifetimes, as it is centred around getting Australia back to work and the economy moving forward.
Interestingly, the budget contains virtually no new revenue-raising tax measures. Instead, it includes many major spending initiatives for infrastructure, aged care, job training, and defence sectors, just to name a few.
It is clear the Government’s strategy is to raise additional revenue indirectly by continuing to increase the level of employment and economic activity.
Our team of experts has worked through the night to share their interpretation of what the budget means for you, your family, and your business.
Over the coming few days, we will continue to review and refine our interpretations of the impacts of the budget for Aussie businesses, by industry sector.
If you have any questions as to how this budget impacts you and your business, please do not hesitate to contact your local MBA advisor.
We are here to help you build your financial resilience and overall prosperity and get to where you want to be.
The 2021 Federal Budget has sought to support the continued growth of the Australian economy by extending the existing COVID-19 tax concessions offered in the last Budget, and attracting new investment in Australian-based innovation activities with specific tax concessions.
COVID-19 concessions extended
The temporary full expensing measures that allow businesses with aggregated turnover under $5 billion to fully deduct the cost of eligible depreciating assets regardless of cost will be extended for a further 12 months from 30 June 2022 until 30 June 2023. From 1 July 2023, the normal depreciating rules apply.
The loss carry-back measures that allow companies with an aggregated turnover of less than $5 billion will be extended to allow eligible companies to carry back losses from the 2022-23 income year and offset against prior year taxable profits going as far back as to the 2018-19 income year subject to the level of franking credits available.
Similar to earlier announcements, it is understood the Government will allow the use of the temporary full expensing measures to generate tax losses and which can then take advantage of the loss carry-back measures.
This is a significant measure which will require Australian businesses to reassess their capex plans, particularly for long-lead-time investments.
Refundable digital games tax offset
In an effort to capture a greater share of the $250 billion global games development market, a new refundable tax offset for the Australian digital games industry, the Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO) has been announced that will provide eligible game developers with a 30 per cent refundable tax offset for qualifying Australian games expenditure. The DGTO will commence from 1 July 2022.
While the precise details are yet to be announced, it would be expected that the DGTO would operate in a fashion similar to that of the Research & Development Tax Incentive, where eligible entities can receive a tax offset on R&D expenditure.
Australian resident companies and foreign resident companies with a permanent establishment in Australia will be eligible for the incentive.
Although the eligibility criteria and the definition of qualifying Australian games expenditure is yet to be formalised and will be developed through stakeholder consultation over the next 12 months, it has been announced that an eligible game must not have gambling elements and that a minimum of $500,000 qualifying expenditure must be made on a qualifying game. The maximum DGTO an eligible developer will be able to claim in each year will be capped at $20 million.
This has the potential to make Australia a global centre of digital game development where the DGTO can substantially reduce the real cost of development. The R&D Tax Incentive has had a similar impact on the Australian biotech and MedTech sector which has seen hundreds of foreign-owned and controlled entities establish a presence in Australia through which they undertake clinical R&D and claim the R&D Tax Incentive.
As a result of the DGTO, one could expect significant new investment in technical development support services such as production studios as well as education/ training infrastructure to provide a skilled workforce to underpin the expected rapid expansion of the sector.
MedTech/BioTech focussed Patent Box tax incentive
Commencing on 1 July 2022, a new Patent Box Tax Incentive will be introduced delivering a concessional 17 per cent tax rate on income generated from new patents that have been developed in Australia.
For years AusBiotech, the peak body supporting the biotechnology sector in Australia, has been strongly advocating for a Patent Box incentive to encourage the Australian retention of intellectual property (IP) developed and supported in Australia through the commercialisation stage. The policy objective is that Australia retains the resulting high-value jobs, manufacturing output, export revenue and other economic benefits instead of losing them offshore.
Although the structure of the proposed Australian Patent Box will be developed through industry consultation prior to its launch on 1 July 2022, the principle is that income earned from new patents that have been developed in Australia will be taxed at a concessional rate of 17 per cent.
Importantly, only granted patents, which were applied for after the Budget announcement, will be eligible for support through Patent Box. Given the time taken (two to four years) to secure a granted patent from the application, any tangible benefits from the program are unlikely to be realised for several years. Nevertheless, in time the Patent Box will almost certainly increase the patent lodgement activity in Australia, which is low by international standards.
In a practical example, an Australian biotech that generates $100 million in net income from selling a product covered by an Australian patent, where 75 per cent of the know-how related to the patent was developed in Australia, will be able to include $75 million of its net income in its Patent Box to be taxed at 17 per cent, with the balance of $25 million taxed at 30 per cent resulting in an overall tax saving of $9.75 million.
The Patent Box has the potential to enhance Australia’s sovereign capability and protection in the critical MedTech and biotech sector.
The Patent Box will initially apply only to the medical and biotech sectors with a consultation planned to consider expansion of the program into the clean energy sector.
The Patent Box has the potential for Australia to further enhance its already strong competitive advantage as a destination for clinical R&D investments from non-Australian clinical-stage companies that establish Australian operations and retain IP in Australia.
Intangible depreciating assets
From 1 July 2023, taxpayers will be able to self-assess the effective life of eligible intangible depreciating assets.
This measure means there will be the opportunity to potentially depreciate eligible intangible depreciating assets at a much faster rate than under existing fixed statutory rates. This change recognises the fact that the economic value of many intangibles can quickly become out of date in a rapidly developing technological environment.
Employment measures
Bright Line Residency Test for individuals
To deliver more certainty and lower compliance costs for globally mobile individuals, the Government will simplify the residency test for individuals by introducing a ‘bright line’ test. This will comprise a primary test and a secondary test.
Under the primary test, an individual will be considered an Australian tax resident if the individual is physically present in Australia for 183 days or more. If the primary test is not met, a combination of physical presence and other measurable objective criteria is to be used.
The date of effect of these rules will be from the first income year after the date of Royal Assent of the enabling legislation.
Concessional changes to employee share schemes
Changes of note to the employee share scheme rules can be summarised as follows:
- The deferred taxing point has been removed for employees that cease employment. This means that cessation of employment will no longer, of itself, trigger a tax liability under the employee share scheme rules
- Removing certain regulatory red tape where employers do not charge or lend to employees who participate in employee share schemes including simplifying disclosure requirements and reporting exemptions for making share scheme offers in unlisted companies that are valued up to $30,000 per employee per year
Removal of $450 exemption for Superannuation Guarantee
The $450 per month minimum income threshold, under which employees do not have to be paid the superannuation guarantee by their employer, is slated for removal.
The measure will have effect from the start of the first financial year after Royal Assent of the enabling legislation, which is expected to be from 1 July 2022.
Tax exemption for flood-affected businesses
The Government has announced Category D grants provided under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements 2018 will be exempt from tax when made to primary producers and small business. The grants must have been provided in relation to storms and flood events that occurred in Australia between 19 February 2021 and 31 March 2021.
Increase in excise rebate and rebate cap for small brewers
Concessions provided to small brewers and distillers are going to be increased to bring them in line with those provided to wine producers. From 1 July 2021, eligible brewers and distillers will be able to receive a full remission (up from 60 per cent) of any excise they pay, up to a cap of $350,000 (increased from $100,000) per financial year.
Extension to apprenticeship subsidies
From 5 October 2020 to 31 March 2022, businesses of any size can claim the Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy. This program will be expanded further by the removal of the cap on the number of eligible places and the increasing the duration of the subsidy. Eligible businesses will be reimbursed up to 50 per cent of an apprentice or trainee’s wages, capped at $7,000 per quarter, for 12 months from the date an apprentice or trainee commences with their employer (a total subsidy of $28,000).
Not for profit organisation self-assessed tax exemption
The Government has provided funding for the creation of an online system for Not For Profit (NFP) organisations to self-assess their status online via an annual form. The reporting system will be used to capture information that would be used in the self-assessment of the eligibility of NFP’s to maintain their income tax-exempt status. This system is to be implemented by the ATO in the 2022-23 year.
Private company loan rules (Division 7A)
The private company loan rule changes have continually been deferred over the past few years with no resolution. It was disappointing to note that the Budget did not make any further announcements in relation to these measures.
Other measures
ATO support for first time foreign investors
With effect from 1 July 2021, eligible first-time foreign investors will be able to obtain tailored ATO support to meet Australian tax law obligations and this is to be streamlined with the FIRB approval process to avoid duplication of information that may already be provided between the Government departments.
A consultation process is to be undertaken by the ATO with stakeholders on the development of the early engagement service.
Corporate tax residency changes extended to trusts and certain partnerships
The proposed changes to deem foreign incorporated companies as tax resident based on a significant economic connection to Australia test, as announced in the last Budget, is to be extended to trusts and corporate limited partnerships. These changes will form part of the Government’s consultation process before proposed legislation is released.
Collective investment vehicles
Earlier announcements regarding the use of Collective Investment Vehicles (CIVs), which has the benefit of both being a corporate structure with flow through tax treatment, is to commence from 1 July 2022. These measures are aimed at increasing the attractiveness of investing in Australia via these structures for foreign investors.
Information exchange countries expanded
The list of countries from which investors are able to access the reduced MIT withholding rate of 15 per cent in managed investment trusts has been expanded.
Taxation of financial arrangements and hedging
Certain technical amendments will be made to the Taxation of Financial Arrangements (TOFA) rules in relation to hedging transactions which are to take effect for relevant transactions entered into on or after 1 July 2022.
Families and individuals
The 2021 Federal Budget has been quite favourable for lower- and middle-income Aussies, senior Australians, women in the workforce and for the aged care and disability sectors.
Lower taxes for low to middle-income earners
There were no additional tax cuts announced over and above those previously legislated. However, the Government announced an extension to the Low- and Middle-Income Tax Offset (LMITO) for the 2022 income year.
The LMITO provides a refundable tax offset of up to $1,080. The offset starts at $255 for those earning $37,000 or less. This then increases at 7.5 cents per dollar as your income increases, with the maximum amount of the offset being $1,080 available to those earning between $48,000 and $90,000. The offset then reduces by 3 cents per dollar until your taxable income reaches $126,000.
Affordable childcare
The Government has announced a $1.7 billion package designed to encourage women back into the workforce by reducing the out-of-pocket cost of childcare from 1 July 2022.
Under the current system, there is a cap on the amount of subsidy able to be received of $10,560 per child for families with combined income of more than $189,390. This cap will be removed for all families.
The package is also proposing to increase the subsidy for the second and subsequent children by 30 per cent up to a maximum subsidy of 95 per cent.
Supporting homeownership
The New Home Guarantee Scheme will be extended to offer a further 10,000 places in 2021-22, specifically for first home buyers to build a new home or purchase a newly built home with a minimum 5 per cent deposit. This measure is also aimed at driving jobs in the construction industry.
The Government also announced a new measure aimed at providing support to single parents with dependents. From 1 July 2021, the Family Home Guarantee will offer 10,000 eligible single parents with dependents the opportunity to build a new home or purchase an existing home with as little as 2 per cent deposit. The scheme is open to first home buyers, as well as previous owner-occupiers.
Other tax measures for individuals
There were a number of other measures aimed at individuals contained in the Budget, including:
- Changes to the individual tax residency rules including a “bright line” test for tax residency meaning a person who is in Australia for 183 days or more during the income year will be an Australian tax resident. This will apply from the first income year after Royal Assent of the enabling legislation
- The Medicare Levy low-income thresholds applicable for the 2021 income year will be increased to take into account recent movements in CPI
- The Government will remove the exclusion from claiming the first $250 of certain self-education expenses.
Aged care reforms
One of the significant items in the Budget is the increased spending on aged care reforms. In response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Government is investing $17.7 billion over five years to transform aged care for older Australians.
The Government response is a 5 year / 5 pillar aged care reform plan addressing:
- home care: supporting home care including 80,000 new home care packages and care based on assessed needs
- residential aged care services and sustainability: improving service suitability that ensures individual care needs and preferences are met including mandated front line care minutes
- residential aged care quality and safety: improving access to and quality of residential care
- workforce: growing a bigger, more highly-skilled, professional and compassionate aged care workforce, and
- governance: new legislation and stronger governance.
Australians with disabilities
The Government is committing an additional $13.2 billion over four years to 2023-24 to support the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
There is also additional funding to update and add new health services to the Medicare Benefits Schedule and to support access to affordable medicines through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
Superannuation changes
The Government will provide $11.2 million over four years from 2021-22 to support stronger consumer outcomes for members of superannuation funds. It will provide $9.6 million for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to supervise and enforce increased transparency and accountability measures as part of the already announced “Your Future, Your Super” reforms. It will also spend $1.6 million on Super Consumers Australia to support stronger consumer outcomes on behalf of superannuation fund members.
In a welcome announcement for those saving for a home, the First Home Super Saver scheme amount has grown from $30,000 to $50,000. This reflects the rise in house prices since the scheme began four years ago.
Despite speculation, the Superannuation Guarantee increase to 10 per cent from 1 July 2021 will go ahead as legislated.
The “Downsizer Contribution” scheme has been expanded by reducing the age of eligibility from 65 to 60. The downsizer scheme was introduced in the 2017-18 Budget and allows people who sell their family home to make a one-off, $300,000 contribution to their super, outside the concessional and other rules.
Self-funded retirees will also be able to more freely top-up their super. The Government has announced that the work test, which restricts people aged between 67 and 74 from making additional superannuation contributions, will be abolished.
Both measures will begin on 1 July 2022. They will enable older Australians more flexibility in contributing to superannuation.
The Government will also abolish the $450 a month threshold to pay compulsory super. This will boost the retirement incomes of thousands of part-time workers, expected to be from 1 July 2022. Employers are currently not required to pay superannuation for employees who earn below the threshold.
The SMSF residency requirements safe harbour period for non-resident trustees will be extended from two to five years, expected to be from 1 July 2022. The Government will also abolish the active member requirements.
The Government will provide $21.2 million over four years to improve the “Pension Loans scheme” uptake. The scheme is a voluntary, reverse-mortgage type loan to assist older people to unlock equity in their houses to boost their retirement income. There will now be steps in place to ensure people do not end up owing more than their house is worth.
Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and should not be relied on as advice. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs and seek professional advice before making any decisions based on this information.
A huge thank you to the team of experts at Bentley for preparing this analysis. Special mention: Simon How, Chris Hodgins, Sonia Mascolo, David Spurritt, Nicole Black, Darren Lee, Ross Prosper, Dean Steer, Mike Burfield, Tomas Mackay & Ray Short